Bookish Friends

2023 Reading Challenge

I am not often one to participate in “reading challenges”. I read what I like to read, and that is just what it is. However, I noticed that some of my favorite books in 2022 were from genres that aren’t generally my “go to,” which means that it’s time to step outside of my comfort zone. Enter my new 2023 reading challenge. If this works well for this year, maybe it will be a recurring thing!

I will say that this concept was inspired by Rachel Dawson from alltheradreads, but mine has pulled from various Pinterest pins, TikTok videos, or whatever inspired me.

The 2023 Reading Challenge

  • A book with a place in the title
  • A book with a color in the title
  • A book set in a country you want to visit
  • A book written by a person of color
  • A new release
  • A book with more than 500 pages
  • A book with a one-word title
  • A classic you haven’t read before
  • A book first published in another country
  • A book that features royalty
  • A banned book
  • A book chosen purely for its cover

Now, my only rule is that ONE book cannot count for multiple categories. If you need to move them around throughout the year, that’s totally fine. However, you cannot read one book that is more than 500 pages, chosen for its cover that’s also written by a person of color. Twelve categories. Twelve books.

Reading Challenge Resources

Now, I’m not just going to drop this challenge on you and leave you to track down books. I want to be sure you have plenty of resources to complete the 2023 reading challenge successfully!

  • A book with a place in the title
  • A book with a color in the title
  • A book set in a country you want to visit
  • A book written by a person of color
  • A new release
  • A book with more than 500 pages
    • Another one of my favorite series is The Daevabad Trilogy, and all three books are more than 500 pages (if you feel like being an overachiever).
    • There are some lists that include Life After Life, but don’t read that book. That book was awful.
  • A book with a one-word title
    • One of my favorite YA series is comprised of all one-word titles! Check out Uglies.
    • Lisa Scottoline also has a new book coming out in March of next year called Loyalty (it’s also set in Italy!).
  • A classic you haven’t read before
  • A book first published in another country
  • A book that features royalty
    • Remember: There is royalty ALL OVE THE WORLD, so these don’t just have to be about the UK royalty. Do some historical fiction or, yes, read Spare. This is a judgement-free zone.
  • A banned book
  • A book chosen purely for its cover
    • I mean, you could go a million different ways with this one. Weird covers, eye-catching covers, beautiful covers…

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